The Lorena ISD Media Centers now have eBooks available for you to view online or checkout on your iPad or Android (version 3.0 or higher) Tablet. Most of the ebooks are reference and nonfiction titles at this time, but we do have some popular fiction titles (such as The Hunger Games Trilogy).
To access these ebooks, visit the Library Media Center Catalog by clicking "Find a Book" on the media center website. To only look at our ebook collection, simply click the "Ebooks Resource List" that is located right in the middle of the page. When you find one you like click on it. You will be taken to a login screen, and you should use the same credentials you use for logging in to AR.
Once you are logged in, you will have the option to Read the Ebook Online, Check Out the Ebook Online, or (sometimes) Download the Ebook. Here's some info about each of these options:
- Read Online - This is the same as reading a book while